Atlantis,Alien visitation and genetic manipulation.02.
Michael Tsarion. 2008.04.03. 18:15
“Nowhere in the Genesis account is there any mention, direct or indirect, of Satan’s involvement, andyet it has become common practice for the Church to portray the serpent as an emissary of Satan, oreven as Satan himself.” (p. 960)
Appendix B: Book Abstracts
Eve (Hawah/Ava/Hayah)
All these words for the female meant ‘to give life.’ She was also known as the “Lady of the Serpent.”
The word Hayah is akin to Hayyat, which means serpent. (See p. 80)
Omega .
Was meant to represent a womb. It is close to the symbol of Leo, where the Sun was born in the ancienttimes. It is similar to the serpent sign, as well as that of Libra, which is a Venusian sign. (p. 77)
No Satan in Genesis
“Nowhere in the Genesis account is there any mention, direct or indirect, of Satan’s involvement, andyet it has become common practice for the Church to portray the serpent as an emissary of Satan, oreven as Satan himself.” (p. 960)
The Kabala
Came into the possession of Abraham when he went with his cult of Enlil (EL) to Canaan. (See p. 100)
KBL (Root of Kabala)
KBL means ‘to twist.’
This “Lord” was said to be Samael, or the serpent of evil or Enki. Enki was indeed the patron saint ofthe region known as Sama, in northern Mesopotamia.
Eve’s First Born
The Jewish Midrash (meaning “Inquiry”)…emphasizes the point that Hawah’s first son was the son ofthe Lord, whereas the second son was the son of Adam. (p. 101)
Eve’s Two Mates
Eve had two sons by different fathers, one was Homo sapiens, while the other was Annunaki:
Therefore, Cain (Qayin) was the one of the royal blood, which is why he was descried and denigrated inthe Christian bible.
Eve’s Third Son
This was Seth, and he was given priority over Cain by the Bible writers and compilers.
Ruler of the Earth
When it is reported that Cain was a tiller of the ground, it really means that he was the ruler of the Earth.
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Offerings of Cain and Abel
When we then read (Genesis 4:3-5) that Abel’s offerings were acceptable to the Lord, but Cain’s werenot, we get the impression that Cain’s offerings were in some way inferior. But the original emphasiswas on the premise that offerings (venerations) were acceptable from Abel as a subordinate subject,
whereas for Cain to make offerings was unacceptable because of his kingly status. (p. 102)
Cain “Slew” Abel
Yet another conscious mistranslation. The word was yaqam, meaning to ‘raise’ or ‘exalt’, not to
kill.(See p. 102)
According to the translators, Cain was banished from the Lord, but was given a mark, to ‘prevent’ people
slaying him.
Ruler of the Earth
When it is reported that Cain was a tiller of the ground, it really means that he was the ruler of the Earth.
Mark Of Cain
What Cain received was not a curse, as is commonly portrayed, but the blessing and protection of theLord, his father, Enki-Samael...The question has been often been posed as to who the Lord feared mightwant to kill Cain, given that he and his parents were (according to the Bible) the only living beings. (p.
Gardner concludes that the ‘mark’ was a sign of Royalty that would distinguish Cain. It was a coat ofarms to mark his lineage and prestige.
The Mark of Cain
This was called in Hebrew MALKHUT, from the Akkadian Malku, meaning sovereign. (See p. 102)
It was the symbol that has become known as the Rose Cross. (RX)
This RX, is now pronounced phonetically as Rex, the title given to monarchs. It is also the sym
bol one finds in the Pharmaceutical fields and professions. The ancient Annunaki were powerful
The Cross and the Circle
This is the mark. It is also the sign for Venus in astrology. This is seen held inverted by the monarchs.
The cross within the circle is found on many Churches and architecture. It is also connected
to the Pythagorean squaring of the Circle (26)
Cain = Qayin = King
The word Cain gives us King, but it also gives Caan, Cahen, Cohen, Kaen, Conn, Can, etc. All thesemean either ‘priest’ or ‘serpent.’ (see p. 105)
Tubal Cain, his descendant is for this reason revered as a patron in Freemasonic circles.
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Cain’s Wife
Described as the daughter of Eve in some texts. But never named in the Bible.
She was actually the daughter of Lilith (and Enki), the latter who was according to the Talmud, the consort
of Adam even before Eve.
The granddaughter of Enlil, daughter of his son, Nergal of the Underworld.
She was therefore of pure Annunaki stock, and refused therefore to be Adam’s permanent mate. In fact,
she was the consort of Enki, Cain’s father. Together they produced Cain’s wife, Luluwa. (see p. 106).
Was the son of Cain and Luluwa, daughter of Lilith. (see p. 132)
Advent of Jehovah
“…in the new scheme of things, Jehovah could not be seen to have a brother—not a brother who sostrongly opposed him in social matters.” (p. 117)
Mis-Translations Continue
“…historically, it was Enki (not Enlil) who had created Adam (Atabba) and Eve (Nin-khawa); it wasEnki who had granted them the rights to Qabalistic wisdom, and it was Enki who had appointed Atabbato his priest-kingly station. These things were known in Mesopotamia and Canaan; they were writtendown and readily available in the temple libraries of Babylon, and so they could not be ignored— butthey could be reinterpreted... Enki, the wise hero of Sumer, could be portrayed (in accordance with hisemblem) as a troublesome serpent—an image which could incorporate Lilith too, for she held the matrilineal
heritage of the kingdom: the Malkhut, the sovereignty of the Dragon.
The Nature of the Brothers
Enki was more liberal minded, whereas Enlil was severe. He was considered inviolable by his followersthat worshipped him out of fear of retribution.
Gardner Writes on Enlil
“ was he who had instigated the Semitic invasions which led to the “confusion of tongues” and thefall of Sumer. It was he that brought about the devastating flood, and it was he who had leveled the citiesof Sodom and Gomorrah—not because of their wickedness, as related in Genesis…but because of the
wisdom and insight of their inhabitants, as depicted in the Coptic Paraphrase of Shem. It was Jehovah
who removed the Israelites from their homeland, sending them into seventy years of captivity by kingNebuchadnezzar II and his five Babylonian successors down to king Balshazzer (545 –539 B.C.) (p.
Babylon’s Decline
As the centuries progressed, Babylon fell to various other invaders…The written legacy of theAnnunaki was, henceforth, confined to an underworld darkness, and all the tablets of Sumerian and
Akkadian record that had been available to the hostage Jews of the sixth century B.C., were destined tobe forgotten beneath the wasteland. (p. 119)
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Gardner Continues
“And so it has been for the better part of 2,000 years that the Old Testament was the sole record of theMesopotamian patriarchal era. There was no way for anyone to know if it was fact or fiction…it wastaken on board for history.
In the light of these latter day discoveries, we are now far wiser than our parents and forbearers, for wenow know and have at hand the Sumerian and Akkadian documentation which enabled the CaptivityJews to compile their ancestral story. What we know is that their biblical account was not an accuratetranscript of ancient records, but a strategically compiled set of documents which distort the annals ofthe original scribes in order to establish a new cultural and religious doctrine. This was the doctrine ofthe One God—Jehovah—a doctrine born out of fear that was contrary to all tradition and historicalrecord in the contemporary and preceding environments. (p. 120)
The priest prince that ruled 2170 B.C. and who opened and held a dragon court.
English Freemasonic Debacle
“…the English Masonic system, which was extensively revised in the eighteenth century, adopted anexclusively Western doctrine wherein Thoth, the traditionally styled ‘Great Architect,’ was figurativelysupplanted by the Judeo-Christian God. By virtue of this adjustment, it is claimed that the originalsecrets of Freemasonry have been lost – but rather more to the point is that the old mysteries wereshunned by the Hanoverian inventors of the English system (based on a York Rite), which retains onlyvague allegories and obscure ritual. There is no Alchemical science now taught in these lodges, as wasthe case with the early Scottish Rite; the emphasis is now on charitable works, coupled with meaningless
ceremonies that leave lodge members quite bewildered as to the true scientific nature of the Order.
(p. 161)
Named after the cursed son of Noah, Canaan. (See p. 162)
“…the Canaanites were generally perceived as enemies of the Hebrews who emerged from the linefrom Shem. (p. 162)
Abraham’s family
His wife – Sarai is renamed Sarah, meaning Princess. She is said to be ‘barren’ but conceives Issac anyway.
Hagar and Ishmael
While barren, Abraham takes Hagar, the handmaiden of Sarah. From this union comes Ishmael. SinceHagar, is reported to not only be Egyptian, but a Pharaoh’s daughter, Ishmael is noble.
Ishmael’s wife
She was called Mahalath and was the daughter of Pharaoh Amenemhet II and granddaughter of Senusret
I, the half-brother and husband of Sarah, Abraham’s wife. The daughter of Ishmael and Mahalath,
Bashemath goes on to marry Esau, son of Jacob. (See p. 169)
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But El Shaddai (Jehovah) comes to make a covenant not with Ishmael or other sons of Abraham, butonly with Isaac the son that Sarah and Abraham do eventually conceive.
Then we read that Abraham is asked to sacrifice Isaac.
Jehovah promises that Isaac and his line will possess Egypt. Researchers have wondered at this pro-
nouncement. (See p. 164)
Jehovah also asks Abraham to observe the custom of circumcision, known only in Egypt.
Sarah and the Pharaoh
Upon arrival in Egypt, Sarah enters into the household of a Pharaoh, Senusret I, who wants to marry her.
Subsequently Abraham pretends not to be her husband but her brother. It turns out that Sarah is the Pharaoh’s
half sister, and it is normal for Pharaoh’s to wed their sisters.
Isaac, Son of Pharaoh, not Abraham
It is thought, therefore, that Isaac is in fact, not the son of Abraham, but of the Pharaoh Senusret I. “IfIsaac is the son of Pharaoh Senusret, then the seemingly enigmatic details of the covenant would fallvery neatly into place. We could then understand Sarah’s change of name to Sarah (Princess). Similarly,
the custom of circumcision would make sense, as would the prospect of future dynastic kingship in theEgyptian domain. It would even explain the relevance of the mysterious ‘birthright’ that was eventuallysold by Isaac’s son Esau to his brother Jacob (Genesis 25:30-34). (p. 165)
But what Genesis does not make clear is the precise nature of the birthright granted by Esau to Jacob. (p.
Line of Judah
The Bible relates that, in due time, King David of Israel and his dynasty sprang from the line of Judah, ason of Esau’s brother Jacob, but in the original scheme of things, had the birthright not been sold, thekingly descent would rightly have been from Esau. (p. 165)
Isaac marries the Mesopotamian Rebecca and their union gives Esau and Jacob, later renamed Israel.
Esau sells his ‘birthright’ to Jacob. Both brothers are grandsons of Abraham.
Esau’s Wife
He goes on to marry Bashemath, daughter of Ishmael and his Egyptian wife, Mahalath. Ishmael was theson of Hagar the Pharaoh’s daughter, while his wife Mahalath is also the daughter of Pharaoh Amenemhet
II. Therefore, the blood of Esau’s descendants is noble and royal. (See p. 168)
Tribes of Israel
From Jacob’s liaisons with not only wife Rachel, but also with her sister Leah, the handmaidens of hiswives, Bilhah and Zilpah, he has the sons that give rise to the 12 tribes of Israel. (See p. 166)
Threat to Abraham
There is also mention of a threat to the life of Abraham, because his wife has married the Pharaoh.
(See p. 166)
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Sojourn in Egypt
Abraham’s grandson, Jacob/Israel, takes his family of 70 members into Egypt from Canaan, settling inGoshen by the Nile delta. There was a famine in Canaan. There they remained until lead out again by‘Moses.’
Ramesis II and Exodus
In apparent confirmation of the Israelite’s sojourn in Egypt, the annals of Pharaoh Ramesis II (theGreat) make reference to Semitic people who settled in the delta region of Goshen, but this does notreally help because they are not specified as Israelites, but included in the Arab races of Syria, Phoenicia,
Mesopotamia, and the Fertile Crescent in general. (p. 176)
Actually, they arrived many centuries before the reign of Ramesis I (1335 B.C.).
Recent analysis of volcanic debris in the area, utterly disproves the dates of the Exodus. The volcanicaction was about 1624 B.C. This is 300 hundred years before the supposed time of Moses. (See p. 177)
The Joseph Myth (Yusuf)
The Joseph of Egypt myth was actually based on Joseph the son of Jacob who actually lived 400 yearsearlier. The information about the first Joseph was concealed so that he could be identified as the onemuch later that became the Pharaoh of Egypt. (See p. 180)
The Real Joseph
A later Genesis entry, which is seldom quoted, has Joseph saying, “God hath made me a father to thePharaoh.” (Genesis 45:8)
…could not have related to Joseph, son of Jacob, who was sold into slavery. But was there perhaps agrand vizier who fathered a Pharaoh – a prestigious governor after whom a canal might have beennamed and who would have ridden in the king’s second chariot…Indeed there was: a vizier who, contrary
to normal custom, was embalmed like a pharaoh (precisely as described in the last verse of Genesis)
and entombed in a fine sarcophagus in no less a place than the royal burial ground—the Valley ofthe Kings at western Thebes (modern Luxor). (p. 183)
The Inscription on His Tomb
Egyptian tomb inscriptions usually relate, in one way or another, to the godhead under which the occupant
was placed in life, using deiform names such as Ra, Amen, and Ptah. In this case, the unusual tombinscriptions of the grand vizier do not relate to any known god of Egypt; they reveal instead such names
as Ya-ya, and Yu-ya, —phonetically, Iouiya, which is akin to Yaouai, a variant of Yahweh or Jehovah.
From these inscriptions, the vizier has become personally known as Yuya, and this is of particular interest
because his grandson, Pharaoh Akhenaten later developed the ‘One God’ concept in Egypt. (p. 182183)
Yuya (Yusuf) was the principal minister for the eighteenth dynasty Pharaoh, Tuthmosis IV (c. 14131405
B.C.) and for his son Amenhotep III…His tomb was discovered in 1905, along with that of hiswife Tuya (the Asenath), and the mummies of Yuya and Tuya are among the very best preserved in theCairo Museaum…Clearly, this couple was of tremendous importance in their day; this becomes obviousfrom Yuya’s funerary papyrus, which refers to him as ‘The Holy Father of the Lord of the TwoLands’…as does his royal funerary statuette. (p. 183)
Joseph was the chief minister to both Tuthmosis IV and Amenhotep III. His daughter Tiye went on tobecome the wife of the latter.
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His Sons
Yuya’s elder son was ANEN who rose to power in the reign of Amenhotep III.
The younger son AYE became Pharaoh in 1352 B.C.
His Daughter Tiye
His daughter was Tiye, who later became the older and second wife of Amenhotep III.
Tutankhamun was also a descendant (see p. 183).
The Amarna Kings
Isaac’s son Esau—“…may have sold his birthright to his younger twin brother Jacob-Israel (whosedescendants became kings of Judah), but now through Tuya and Yuya, descendants of Esau did indeedbecome pharaohs of Egypt. These particular pharaohs became known as the “Amarna Kings”— theywere Akhenaten, Smenkhare, Tutankhamun and Aye, who ruled consecutively c. 1367-1348 B.C. (p.
Palestine remained under Egyptian rule at this time. If the covenant was to be taken literally, it wouldappear that the selling of the birthright by Esau to Jacob had no effect whatever; it was not until after theAmarna period that the lines from Esau and Jacob were united through marriage, subsequently descending
to the Davidic kings of Judah. (p. 184)
Manetho stated that Moses was a priest at Heliopolis.
Manetho says that Moses was a Heliopolitan Priest dismissed to the mines because he contracted leprosy.
After the lepers were sent at their own request to Avaris, Moses became their leader. He prohibitedthe worship of other gods and permitted animal sacrifice. He also sent to Jerusalem for 200,000 “shepherds,”
really called Solomites or the Hyskos, to come to Egypt that had once been expelled by PharaohThotmosis. On the arrival of these people, the Pharaoh of the times called Amenophis retreated to Memphis
and then to Ethiopia. The Solomites and false Egyptians set fire to houses and treated the populacedisgracefully. They also stole all the wealth of the country. After 13 years, Amenophis returned and conquered
these usurpers. (See p. 124 of Sacred Science Chronicles by Robert Siblerud)
Josephus says he commanded the Egyptian army in the Ethiopian war.
Adopted by a Princess
It would have been very unlikely for an unmarried princess to adopt.
Moses Cast on the River
Despite the complete illogicality of this action…the story then becomes even more implausible, foralong came the Pharaoh’s daughter, who seemed to care nothing for her father’s dictate. She discoveredthe baby and immediately began conversing with the boy’s sister, who just happened to be close by. Thesister then returned the baby to its mother, who was paid by the princess to nurse him. Hence, the boywas back were he began, and any fear of the authorities and their death-threat seems to have been conveniently
forgotten. Eventually the princess adopted the boy as her own son and called him Moses, withno one leveling any query about the child’s natural parents. (p. 187)
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This is the sister of Moses.
Amenhotep and Tiye
Amenhotep took over when his father Tuthmoses IV died. He may have married his youngest daughter,
but to have an older wife also he married with the daughter of his vizier Tiye, the Israelite. (See p. 188)
Power of the Israelites
Because of the long ministry of Joseph, there was fear that his daughter, the Israelite wife of the Pharaoh,
would bear a child that would have royal blood. As she was not the legitimate heiress, she couldnot represent the State god, Amen (Amun). (See p. 188)
First Son of Tiye
The Israelite princess did of course become pregnant. It was thought to have her child killed to preventascension to the throne. This son called Tuthmosis was it seems killed. (See p. 188)
Second Son of Tiye – Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton)
This son was sent to live with Tiye’s relatives in Goshen. He was raised by Tey, the wife of Tiye’sbrother. She was a Levite. Amenhotep was later educated at Heliopolis and as a teenager lived inThebes. (See p. 188)
Tiye, it is later revealed, was also the sister of Israelite pharaoh Aye, the father of Aaron (Smenkhkare)
the Pharaoh that took over after the abdication of Akhenaton, but who was also eventually banishedwith him. (See p. 192)
Tiye’s Prestige
Tiye went on to become more powerful than the first wife of the Pharaoh.
Was the daughter of Sitamun, the Pharaoh’s first wife.
It comes as no surprise to discover in the records of Akhenaton the names of two princesses calledMery-taten (Beloved of Aten), one being his daughter and the other his granddaughter. The Mery epithet
was also applied to Queen Nefertiti herself, the elder half-sister and wife of Akhenaton. (p. 208)
It was also posited that Nefertiti may actually be the real sister of Moses.
The city of the Israelites, Zaru, was built over the Hyskos city of Avaris. (See p. 188)
Bad Health
The older Pharaoh Amenhotep III began to have bad health.
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Amenhotep IV (Moses) and Nefertiti
They married because their father was ill and there was no other heir. He co-ruled with his wife until he
took over at the death of his father and became Amenhotep IV.
“Were it not for this marriage, the eighteenth dynasty would have expired at their fathers death.”(p. 188)
Amenhotep IV was also known as Amenophis IV
Monotheism Enters/Cult of Aten
Because of his part-Israelite upbringing Amenhotep IV…could not accept the Egyptian deities and theirmyriad idols, so he developed the notion of Aten, an omnipotent god with no image, who was represented
by a solar disc with downward pointing rays. Aten was not the Sun god, however, for the Egyptian
Sun god was Ra. (p. 189)
The First Religious Intolerance
The Israelite concept of a god without an image was already established in Egypt before Akhenatoncame on the throne. What he did that was so different was to install Aten as the sole god of Egypt, andthis is the world’s first example of religious intolerance at State level – a strict monotheism foisted uponthe people (p. 190).
Sigmund Freud
It was this somewhat discordant concept of the One God in Egypt that originally inspired the 1930’sresearch of Sigmund Freud, leading him to associate Moses with the reign of the Pharaoh Akhenaton.
(p. 190)
The name “Aten” was the equivalent of the Hebrew Adon—a tile borrowed from the Phoenician and
meaning ‘Lord’—with the familiar ‘Adonai’ meaning ‘my Lord’. (p. 189)
Name Change
At the same time, Amenhotep…changed his name to Akhenaton… and closed all the temples of theEgyptian gods, making himself very unpopular, particularly with the priests of Ra and with those of theformer national deity, Amen. (p. 189)
Akhenaton Abdication
Akhenaton refused to allow the worship of other gods and was forced to step down in favor of hiscousin Smenkhkare, who was succeeded by Tutankhamun who lived only for 19 years. Though therewas restored worship of Amen, this Pharaoh did not ban the cult of Aten (see p. 189)
Akhenaton Banished
Banished from Egypt in 1361 B.C., but was considered by some to still be a rightful king.
Royal Mose (Mosis)
This meant the Royal Son.
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El Amarna
Before the banishment, Moses had left Thebes to set up his city at Tel El Amarna.
Aye and Tey
After the death of Tuthankamun, the rule passed to Aye who was the husband of Tey, half-sister ofNefertiti and the Levite caregiver nurse of Akhenaton. Aye was the last of the Amarna kings. He wasalso the father of Smenkhkare, Pharaoh after Akhenaton, who was also known as Aaron. Tey was calledin the Bible Jochebed, she was the natural mother of Aaron. Her husband was called Amram.
Son-in-Law of Aye, he was a general and succeeded Aye, and put an end to the worship of Aten. He forbade
the mention of the name of Akhenaton and removed the names of the kings of the eighteenthdynasty from the official king lists. He also destroyed many of the monuments of the era. (See p. 190)
Nineteenth Dynasty
Horemheb’s reign was followed by the nineteenth dynasty and Pharaoh Ramesis I
The Burning Bush
Jehovah (El Shaddai) makes himself known to Moses.
“Having been away for many years, Moses (Akhenaton) evidently asked Jehovah how he could provehis identity to the Israelites…Moses was advised to perform three magical feats. (p. 191)
These acts are always called Miracles. The miracles performed were actually well-known Egyptian rituals,
connected to the rising of the dead god.
‘Not eloquent’
Moses proves that he is not conversant with the Hebrew language. Aaron is sent as the interpreter. (See
p. 192)
It is Aaron not Moses who actually performs the miracles in front of the Pharaoh. This suggests that thisAaron was himself a Pharaoh.
Aaron as Smenkhkare, Son of Aye
So did Akhenaton (Moses) have a brother who was himself a pharaoh…whose fate is unknown and whois similarly recorded as having disappeared rather than dying? Indeed he did, at least, he had a feedingbrother, whose own mother was Tey, the Israelite wet-nurse of Akhenaton and Nefertiti. As a pharaoh,
this man had succeeded for just a few weeks after the abdication of Akhenaton; his name was Smenkhkare.
He was the grandson of Yusuf-Yuya the vizier, and the son of Aye (the brother of Akhenaton’sbirth-mother, Tiye). Correctly stated, this pharaoh’s name was Smenkh-ka-ra…Alternately, since Rawas the state Sun god of the Heliopolis House of Light, called On, Pharaoh Smenkh-ka-ra was also
Smenkh-ka-ra-on, from the phonetic ending of which derives “Aaron.” (p. 192)
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Ireland’s Scota
“…Smenkhare was of particular significance to the histories of Ireland and Scotland, for he was thefather of the princess historically known as Scota, from whom the original Scots-Gaels were descended.
Her husband was Niul…according to the seventeenth-century History of Ireland, “Niul and Aaron
entered into an alliance of friendship with one another.” (p. 193)
Given that Akhenaton’s own eighteenth dynasty had terminated with Pharaoh Horemheb, who had nolegitimate heir, a new dynasty had commenced (1335 B.C.) under Horemheb’s erstwhile vizier Ramesis,
the son of a troop commander called Seti. By performing the secret rituals of the serpent-rod and withered
hand, Moses and Aaron were clearly challenging Ramesis’s right of succession… Moses…havingfailed in his attempt to regain his pharaonic position, he managed to persuade Ramesis to allow him andthe Israelites to leave the country. (p. 196)
This name denotes only those people who had resided in Egypt, not those Semites or Hebrews (Habiru)
that were in Palestine. (See p. 196)
Dates of Exodus
It can be determined… that the Israelite exodus from Egypt occurred during the year of Ramesis I’sdeath - the first year of Pharaoh Seti I (1333 B.C.).
Mt. Sinai
There was an alchemical workshop frequented by Moses and the Israelites. It was dedicated to the goddess
Hathor. (See p. 202)
Inner Fire, denotes the fire of Alchemy, the essence of life.
Miriam, wife of Moses
The epithet Mery was again used for her as it was for the sister of Moses and for his daughter and granddaughter.
This “Miriam” was actually Queen Kiya and was greatly beloved. She had a strong family tieto the Mesopotamian Annunaki. (See p. 208)
Miriam = Mery-Amon
Son of Moses (Tutankhamun)
Unlike Nefertiti, Queen Kiya bore a son to Moses, namely Tutankhamun. (See p. 208.)
Bible Jive
As the Bible story progresses, we are led to believe that the great royal house of David and Solomongained its office because a shepherd-boy slew a giant with a stone. We are told absolutely nothing aboutits sovereign descent from the mighty dynasties of Mesopotamia and Egypt, and yet this is the bookupon the which oaths are sworn to tell ‘the truth, and nothing but the truth’ in courts of law. (p. 211)
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The Levites
These priests only have descend from the line of Aaron, not Moses even if they were of Levi. Why wasthis since they were brothers? It is because Moses was not a descendant of Levi, whereas Aaron was.
(See p. 212)
Life of Moses
With Moses’s birth having been around 1394 B.C., his initial banishment 1361 B.C., and the exodusabout 1334 B.C, he would have been near 60 when at Sinai.
Book of Jasher
The Book of Jasher makes it quite plain that Moses received the laws and ordinances from Lord Jethroof Midian, not from the Lord Jehovah. Jethro is specifically described as a descendant of Esau and thereis no talk of whatever about slabs of stone, only the Book of the Covenant. (p. 218)
The sacred culture of the ancients was retained…in the Messianic line of King David of Judah (1008B.C.), whose significance was in the pharaonic lineage, not in his descent from Abraham and theShemite strain. (p. 224)
The Ptolemies
In 525 B.C., Egypt was conquered by the Persians, whose kings were subsequently ousted by Alexanderthe Great’s Macedonian army in 332 B.C. This led to the Greek dynasty of the Ptolemies and QueenCleopatra VII. Her liaison with the Roman general Mark Anthony led to the final withdrawal of thepharaohs, and Egypt was subjugated by Imperial Rome shortly before the time of Jesus. At length, theRoman Empire collapsed, Egypt fell to Byzantine governors and then, after AD 641, to the sway ofIslam. (p. 224)
The Merovingians
Carried the Grail tradition as it passed into the West officially. These kings had blood ties to the Israelitefamilies and, therefore, to the Egyptian dynasties.
Plantagenet Era
In 1408, at the time of Britain’s Plantagenet era, there was the establishment of the Dragon Court (see
p. 225).
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Appendix B: Book Abstracts
Gods of Eden
by William Bramley
Slave Race Humans
By the sweat of your face will be your bread, until you return to the ground; for out of it you were taken,
for dust you are and to dust you will return. (Genesis 3:17-19)
The Popul Vuh Records
Let us make him who shall nourish and sustain us! What shall we do to be invoked, in order to be
remembered on earth? We have already tried with our first creations, our first creatures; but we couldnot make them praise or venerate us. So, then, let us try to make obedient, respectful beings who willnourish and sustain us. (p. 176)
First Homo-Sapiens
“…they were endowed with intelligence, they saw and instantly they could see far, they succeeded inknowing all that there is in the world. When they looked, instantly they saw all around them, and theycontemplated in turn the arch of the heaven and the round face of the earth.”
“…But the Creator and the Maker did not hear this with pleasure: “It is not well that our creatures, ourworks say; they know all, the large and the small.”
The Serpent Kings
The Sumerians state that the first human kings on Earth were the offspring of Custodial rulers whomated with the human women. Those matings entitled the half-human offspring to become the earlymonarchs on Earth. (p. 211)
Brutal Treatments
As beasts of burden, humans were brutally treated by their extraterrestrial masters. The clay tablets tellof vast and catastrophic cruelty perpetuated by the Custodians against their human servants. Coldblooded
population control measures were carried out frequently. (p. 43)
Neanderthal Disappearance
It may be conjectured that Neanderthal man was either exterminated or hauled off the Earth to makeroom for the new slave race, and perhaps to prevent breeding between two subspecies. Whatever theprecise truth of this might be, we do know two facts with certainty; modern anthropology has discovered
a sudden replacement of Neanderthal man with modern man, and Mesopotamian records state thatintelligent planning by an extraterrestrial race lay behind dramatic event. (p. 42)
Historical UFO Sightings
Twentieth century UFO were rarely reported in the mass media before 1947 and so most people assumethat UFOs must be a relatively recent phenomenon. UFOs have been reported for thousands of years inall parts of the world. For example, Julius Obsequens reproduced the following account from 216 B.C.
in his book, Prodigorium Liber: “Things like ships were seen in the sky over Italy…one saw figures like
ships…” (p. 11)
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Charles Fort
Charles Fort is probably the earliest writer of the twentieth century to seriously suggest that extraterrestrial
have been involved in human affairs. (p. 13)
The “Gods” at Work
From the Mesopotamian records:
When the gods like men bore the work and suffered the toil…the toil of the gods was great, the
work was heavy, the distress was much. (See p. 39.)
This fruit is usually portrayed as an apple, but that is the invention of later artists. The Bible itself doesnot mention a specific fruit because the “fruit” was only a symbol to represent knowledge (footnote p.
Comes from the root NHSH, meaning ‘to decipher,’ to ‘find out.’ This implies that the serpents weresome kind of scientists. (See p. 56.)
Brotherhood of the Snake
As we will now begin to carefully document, the Brotherhood of the Snake has been the world’s mosteffective tool for preserving mankind’s status as a spiritually ignorant creature of toil throughout all history.
(p. 56)
The first pyramid of Egypt was designed by Imhotep, Prime Minister to Egyptian king, Zoser Neterket.
Imhotep was said to be the son of Egypt’s most important Custodial “god” during his day: Ptah. (p. 62)
The great pyramid at Gizeh, which was built several generations later, during the “Age of the Pyramids,”
was constructed according to the methods established by Imhotep. (p. 62)
Despite the obvious sincerity of Akhenaton, we discover that the transformation of spiritual knowledgeinto a system of obscure symbols has had a devastating impact on human society. (p. 69)
Akhenaton presided over another development in the Brotherhood… he achieved everlasting fame forhis efforts to champion the cause of monotheism… Monotheism was a Brotherhood teaching, and manyhistorians cite Akhenaton as the most important figure to broadly promulgate the concept. (p. 69)
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The Original Cross/Crucifix
In addition to launching the “one god” theology, the Snake Brotherhood created many of the symbolsand regalia still used by some important religions today. For example, the Brotherhood temple at ElAmarna was constructed in the shape of a cross – a symbol later adopted by the Brotherhood’s mostfamous offshoot; Christianity. (p. 70)
Solomon’s Temple was also modeled after that of El Amarna.
Book of Ezekiel
Now as I looked upon the living creatures, I saw four wings upon the ground, one by each of the
living creatures, with their four faces.
The appearance of the wheels and their composition was like the color of shiny amber: and all
four wings had one likeness: and their composition was like a wheel in the middle of a wheel.
Srimad Bhagavatam
“…tells of a demon race which invaded the three planetary systems. Opposing the demons was theHindu god Shiva, who possessed a powerful weapon that he fired at the enemy airships from his own.
Theodosius I
The new Christian teachings were given a great boost at the end of the fourth century A.D. by eastRoman Emperor Theodosius I. Theodosius issued at least eighteen laws aimed at punishing those people
who rejected the doctrines established by the Nicene Council. He made Christianity the official statereligion and closed down many pagan temples by force. He ordered armies to burn down the famousAlexandrian Library…(p. 148)
By the middle of the sixth century A.D., the death penalty came into use against the heretics and pagans.
A campaign of genocide was ordered by East Roman Emperor, Justinian, to more quickly establish theChristian orthodoxy. In Byzantine alone, an estimated 10,000 people were murdered. (p. 148)
Blood Rituals of Christianity
Between 540 A.D. and 592 A.D., when Justinian was carrying out the Christian “reforms,” a bubonicplague engulfed the East Roman Empire and spread to Europe…it was named “Justinian’s Plague.” Justinian’s
plague was one of the most devastating plagues of history and many people at the time believedit to be a punishment from God. In fact, the word “plague” comes from the Latin word for “blow” or“wound…” (p. 149)
One chronicler…was the famous historian, Gregory of Tours, who documented a number of eventsfrom the plague years. Gregory reports that just before Justinian’s plague invaded the Auvergne regionof France in 567 A.D. three or four brilliant lights appeared around the Sun and the heavens appeared tobe on fire. (p. 149)
Another historian reported a similar event twenty-three years later in another part of France, Avignon.
“Strange sights” were reported in the sky and the ground was sometimes brightly illumined at night asin the day. Shortly thereafter, a disastrous outbreak of the plague occurred there. (p. 150)
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The “Black Death”
This killed over 40 million people. This is half of the European population of those days. It began inAsia. There are two kinds, Bubonic and Pneumonic. Usually, however, many outbreaks happened in thesummer, in the warm climates without heavy population. Also rats did not appear in all the areasaffected. The epidemic also ended quickly. In many accounts, there were as many as 26 comet-like bodies
blazing in the sky previously to the outbreaks, as well as other strange sightings:
“In Brandenburg (in Germany), there appeared in 1559, horrible men, of whom at first fifteen and thenlater on, twelve, were seen. The foremost had beside their posteriors little heads, the others fearful facesand long scythes, with which they cut the oats, so that the swish could be heard at a great distance, butthe oats remained standing. When a quantity of people came running out to see them, they went on withtheir mowing.” (p. 185)
Black Riders
“…there appeared so many black riders that the opinion was prevalent that the Turks were making araid, but who rapidly disappeared again, and thereupon a raging plague broke out in the neighborhood.
(p. 185)
When the cholera broke out on Her Majesty’s ship Britannia in the Black Sea in 1854, several of theofficers and men asserted positively that, immediately prior to the outbreak, a curious mist swept upfrom the sea and passed over the ship. The mist had barely cleared the vessel when the first case of disease
was announced. (p. 190)
There were also frequent reports of loud noises in the sky, or rumblings.
A huge “blazing star” was seen in the sky over England, even by Charles II, before the plague ofEngland.
It is interesting to compare this attitude to that of the later Plantagenet demigod, Richard II of
England, who in the fourteenth century brutally suppressed the Peasant’s Revolt, and said to the
survivors of his plague wrecked country:
God omnipotent, is mustering in his clouds on our behalf, armies of pestilence and they shall
strike your children yet unborn and unbegot, that lift your vassal hands against my head and
threat the glory of my precious crown.
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Astronomical Revelations
by Larry Brian Radka
The author gives the name “Zion” to the planet that used to exist between Mars and Jupiter. It is possiblethat this planet was exceedingly bright like a star, even like unto the sun. Its luminosity may have comefrom the sun’s rays shining on its particular atmosphere. Its loss was recorded, but the phenomena andthe subsequent symbolism associated with this planet was transferred to Jupiter as time went by.
It is possible that this planet was also known as “Lucifer,” the “Son of the Morning,” implying that itwas a ‘rival’ in majesty to the sun.
The Planet Ceres
Discovered orbiting the sun, in January 1, 1801, by Guiseppe Piazza. This is a fragment of the destroyedbody that was between Mars and Jupiter.
Later astronomers then discovered the asteroids, Pallas, Vesta, and Juno also existing in our solar system.
Gustav Tschermak
In 1875, one of the first astronomers to emphasize that these asteroids were part of a larger missingbody. (See p. 14.)
Footprints and Dinosaurs
“…Texas geologists have discovered legitimate fossilized human foot-prints among 60 million-year-olddinosaur tracks. (p. 18)
Is the Earth an Asteroid
There is mounting evidence that the life on Earth came to this location when Earth was itself a meteorite,
ejected away from another cosmic body. This could explain why there is a deep connection to thestars, to the idea that our life began elsewhere in the Universe. (p. 20-21)
“An alternative explanation is that the asteroid could have come from any one of the huge fragments leftover from the planet that blew up in the asteroid belt.” (p. 22)
Earth is not a Sphere
Originally the planet had four distinct corners.
“The slightly protruding corners make up the shape of a tetrahedron, which is not unlike the shape ofmany asteroids. The Earth would naturally have eventually rounded itself out after some time. (p. 21)
Massive Destruction Recorded
“The Chinese traditions,” says George Rawlinson, “speaks of a ‘first heaven’—an age of innocence,
when ‘the whole creation enjoyed a state of happiness; when everything was beautiful, everything wasgood; all beings were perfect in their kind;’ whereto succeeded a ‘second heaven,’ introduced by a greatconvulsion.
“The pillars of heaven were broken—the earth shook to its foundations—the heavens sunk lowertowards the north—the Sun, the Moon and the stars, changed their motions—the earth fell to pieces, andthe waters enclosed within its bosom burst forth with violence and overflowed it. Man having rebelled
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against heaven, the system of the Universe was totally disordered. The Sun was eclipsed, planets alteredtheir course, and the grand harmony of nature was disturbed.” (Astronomical Revelations, p. 225)
The Great Lakes
The cavities in which rest the Great Lakes have been attributed to the ice-sheet, but it is difficult to comprehend
how an ice-sheet could dig out and root out a hole, as in the case of Lake Superior, nine hundred feet deep! And, if it did this, why were there not similar holes excavated wherever there were ice
sheets? (p. 69)
The Irish and Christianity
In recalling his researches on the comet that brought on the Dark Ages, Robert Stanley, the noted editorof Unicus magazine, related to us that they indicate “that the early Christian influence in Ireland wasreadily accepted because of the wide-spread, sky-born disaster that affected Europe, starting in 531
A.D. It caused the skies to be dark for years and brought on the fall of the Roman Empire. They statedthat the Irish accepted the teachings of hell by the migrant missionary St. Patrick because they hadalready lived through a type of hell on Earth. (p. 110)
The Age of Justinian
“…the earth raged with uncommon violence during the reign of Justinian. Each year is marked by therepetition of earthquakes, such of duration, that Constantinople has been shaken above forty days; ofsuch extent that the shock has been communicated to the whole surface of the globe, or at least theRoman Empire. An impulsive or vibratory motion was felt, enormous chasms were opened, huge andheavy bodies were discharged into the air, the sea alternatively advanced and retreated beyond its ordinary
bounds, and a mountain was torn from Libanus, and cast into the waves…Two hundred and fiftythousand persons are said to have perished in the earthquake of Antioch, whose domestic multitudeswere swelled by the conflux to the festival of Ascension.” (p. 113)
Fatal Plagues
The fatal disease which depopulated the earth in the time of Justinian and his successors, first appearedin the neighborhood of Pelusium, between the Serbonian bog and the eastern channel of the Nile. Fromthence, tracing as it were a double path, it spread to the East over Syria, Persia, and the Indies, and penetrated
into the West along the coast of Africa, and over the continent of Europe. (p. 115)
It has been wondered why, if comet impact caused the extinction of the Dinosaurs, why did it not do thesame for other contemporary creatures. It is therefore, conjectured that the comets that descended toearth were bringers of lethal infections from bacteria, but that only certain creatures would be susceptible
to the contagion. Halley’s comet is especially to the idea.
“The visible decrease extended far beyond Justinian’s reign. It is clear through the Dark Ages, and themain cause seems to have been the multitude of celestial attacks heaved against the medieval generations.”
(p. 118)
Annals of the Four Masters
Many of these disturbances were seen in Ireland and are recorded in the Annals of Ulster.
Modern astronomers confirm that the sightings were factual. (p. 118)
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Puritan Cover-Ups
All the information that was recorded concerning these celestial assaults and tribulations throughoutBritain and Europe were covered up by the Protestants, the Puritan historians.
One can wonder, that if these Puritans were in the habit of such suppression and historical revisionism,
what else have they concealed since their ascent to power?
Origin of the Planets
It may be surprising to find out that Venus, Mercury, the Earth, and Mars were all born from the sameplanetary mother, but the physical and circumstantial evidence all point in that direction. (p. 225)
Edmund Halley
Was the first modern scientist to account for the Deluge by this displacement of the Poles. When he firstargued his theory before the Royal Society of London, in 1692, the revelation was so startling that hispaper was not published until thirty years later. (p. 272-3)
The Biblical Deluge
Could also have been caused or at least precipitated due to the impact of a watery comet. (p. 30)
Such a comet would have had its icy content melted or vaporized, which would have saturated the airwhich could not hold water. The release would have created the rains spoken of in the Bible.
Ancient Babylonian descriptions of the events leading up to the Flood, which are found in various cuneiform
translations, seem to describe the Earthly arrival of this serpentine comet. (p. 260)
Reduction of Lifespan
While the average life before the Deluge extended for a period 912 years, after this great catastrophe itwas reduced one-half, and we must admit the entrance of some great calamity must have produced thisreduction in the length of life.
Under the new conditions, the human families were to seek safety and comfort in the temperate zones,
and even then were to find it impossible to live half the days of their antediluvian ancestors. (p. 275)
This was probably the same as the Akkadian ENLIL.
It was Moses…that the establishment of Yahweh-worship was due. Prior to his time, the Israelites seemto have been polytheists. (p. 38)
State of the Planet Mercury
On Mercury was discovered evidence of the new total destruction of an entire planet. Mariner 10 sent uspictures back of a hyper-velocity impact crater that stretched nearly a thousand miles across the face ofMercury. (p. 40)
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National Geographic says, “many astronomers suspect that a body the size of Earth once struck the bigplanet and knocked it askew. (p. 41)
It is noteworthy to point out that there are no basic differences in the composition of asteroids, meteorites,
meteors—regardless of whether they are big, little, in space, or on the earth. Why there are so manynames for the same thing is beyond us … (p. 51)
Space Debris
There are other, much larger asteroids roaming around in our celestial backyard – just waiting to maketheir presence known. Some of these dark demons are hard to detect. These demons are called Hermes,
Adonis, Apollo, and Eros.
“An asteroid weighing some 150 million tons and travelling some 45,000 miles per hour came veryclose to earth on May 19, 1996,” wrote editor Brent Raynes in Alternate Perceptions. (p. 251)
Another asteroid approached earth in 1992. It has a destructive power of 20 million megatons, the forceof 1,600,000 Hiroshima bombs. (p. 253)
Oceans from Space
It is speculated by astrophysicists that the sea water on the earth may have come from the impact of iceladen comets. (p. 66)
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The Priesthood of the Illes
(This is a very rare book that details the subject of etymology to show that the “gods” were actuallyflesh and blood and that they were also the bringers of all manner of control and evil to this planet.)
“Their gods are the gods of the Hills” (I Kings 20:23)
While Saturn reigned, those then his subjects were,
Who lived the life of gods without all care.
Whom sorrow, labor, nor old age oppressed,
But soundness, both in hands and feet, them blessed. (Hesiod)
That there was in progress a great colonizing movement by the gods is evidenced by the names of thecountries of Europe. Each European country has an EL derivative name. (p. 27)
For some unknown reason, there exists within the midst of our languages a very significant word, themeaning of which has been lost for many generations. And like the prospector who unknowingly tramples
over valuable ore, we have used this word over and over without realizing the scope and depth ofits meaning. This is the word Illi or Illium, the name of Troy, and the name of one of the oldest epics inthe world. From it is derived the word civilization, for the Illi were the city builders and the Illi who
lived in certain cities were the civilli.
Etymology Connecting to the Illi
CAPITOL – originally meaning, head of the Illi, or chief Hill.
HILL – from the high place of the Illi. The Illi always resided on the peaks.
ISLANDS/ISLES – another chosen refuge of the Illi. (See Skilly, Heiligoland, Ille in France, Illium in
Greece, Elephantine, Nile, Laaland, Sicilly, etc.)
Apparently thousands of islands were used by the Illi before the time of civilization; before the
time of Troy; even before the time of written history. Knowing navigation, the Illi sailed the seas,
the oceans, and the rivers. Up the rivers they went for trade, and later to settle in the high places,
whence we get the word hill… Mountains were called the Cordirilla, or the ropes of the Illi. (p. 4)
CASTLE – usually built on the sides of hills, by the Illi.
CITADEL – literally, the city of the Illi. (see Castille)
CASSA – comes from the great Illi tribe called Cassiterides.
VILLAGE – usually at the base of a hill
NOBILI (NOBLES) – those favored to contact the Illi
NOB HILL – common name for the place of the high ones.
GENTILLI – the class that became the contactees. Gen, means race, indicating those who were
descended from the Illi.
GENTILES – name for those in contact with or descended from the Illi.
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SYBILLINE (SYBIL) –virgin oracles
IDYLLIC – beautious
IDEAL – one’s greatest image
ELITE – term used by the class of those who were chosen.
ALLIES – one that serves with the Illes.
ILL – as in Ill omens or signs.
HEIDELBURG – means burg of the high Illi
VALHALLA – hall of the gods in Scandinavian myth, the Halls of the Vals.
HIMEL – home
BALLY (BAILLE) –Irish for place or house
TILLED – name for the land owned by the Illi
MILLED – for the grain
FESTIVAL – entertainment or celebrations for the Illi
ABILITY – that possessed by those descended or favoured
HOSTILE – name for one opposed to the Illi
EASILY – that which is done by the Illi
FACILLE – meaning skill or artistry
SEAL – the stamp of the Illi
SIGIL – signatures of the Illi, magical mark
SIGNAL – commonly made on hills
VEIL- the Illi spoke to their priesthood from behind the veils.
LEGALITY – designated by the controllers.
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FLEUR DE LES – flower of the Illi
BASTILLE –the whipping post for those opponents or lawbreakers
BASILLICAS – name for early churches
VERSAILLES – seat of the French King
TUILERIES – earlier seat of the French kings.
VASSALS – those in servitude
SERVILLE – lessers, inferiors
TEL – means hill, in Hebrew.
POLIS - Hill in Greek is Poli. Polis, politics, police are Greek and French forms of the Illi. See also
ELYMI – early tribe
PARALLI – early tribe
VIRGIL –means ‘strong Illi’
CHARLEMAGNE – Great Illi of Chariots
CHARLES MARTEL – Illi of war
AEDL – name of Thor
ATLAS – supported the world.
HOUSE OF ATLAS – was a family of gods that ruled the world. They lived on Islands.
ATL – name found in Mexico, at the end of the name of every god.
ATL becomes ITL, giving ITALY
The House of Atlas
The house of Atlas ruled the world in the age before the beginning of written history…The Atlas mythsprang from the fact that the house of Atlas bore the burdens of the whole world. Thus the Greeks gaveus the statue of the powerful man actually upholding the earth. (p. 39)
ILLI shortened becomes IL, or EL.
The gods keep mankind ignorant of the ways of living, else one would do enough in one day to
last a year (Hesiod)
This condition and this situation of mankind being ruled by a hierarchy of gods who passed the mostpleasant part of their own existence upon the islands while the people brought the first fruits to the hilltops
for the sacrifice was a phase of mankind’s existence that lasted for thousands of years. Islands didnot need fortifications. Wealth flowed from the hilltops down the rivers to the islands where luxuryflourished. (p. 10)
All legends speak of the Isles of the Blest, where the gods reside.
It was understood that Hitler would wire Chamberlain today inviting him for a conference probablytomorrow at Godesburg, on the Rhine near Boon. There by the “Hill of the Gods” which was a
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Germanic place of sacrifice in the days before the Romans came 2000 years ago, Hitler intends to
receive Chamberlain. (from a news flash, September 20 1938) (p. 11)
NEPHILIM – those who came down
LORELI – the maids who sang in the Rhine.
Phoenicia was in reality a small group of gods that ruled a Semitic people. These gods, according to
inscriptions styled themselves as the Royal race.
Tara is believed to be the burial site of Queen Tea, wife of King Milesius of Ireland.
As we have said before the gods generally took to the hills not far from the rivers nor from the seas.
Olympus was the home of Zeus, the Capotiline hill was the home of Jupiter. Sinai was the home of Jeal
or Jehovah. (p. 12)
ILLINOIS – state of the Union, named after an Indian tribe
The Ari, Aries, or Harries
There is another word of vast importance in the scheme of things throughout the world in prehistorictimes. This is the word Ari, the name of the number two men, who ranked below the gods, yet above thepeople. (p. 15)
The Aries were at first the plowmen. Ploughing the ‘gardens’ of the Illi
It seems evident that the Aries were not a separate line in themselves. They were selected men, perhapspartly of royal Illi blood and part plebeian…Enough has been established to show that the method of theIlli was to have an intermediary link between themselves and the people. As today, it is very difficult foran ordinary citizen to gain a conference with any man of national importance, so in prehistoric days the
gods never came into contact with the people except through the offices of a number two man, an Ari,
such as Moses or Aaron. (p. 17)
HERR – salutation in German
HENRY – The German and English name, Henry, was furnished the name of kings from time immemo
rial. Eighty consecutive kings of a tribe of Germans bore the name Henry which means “the harry.”
Harland, Harlem, Harrison, Eric, Andrew, are but wide variations of the same name and all, have the
same meaning. (p. 16)
DARIUS – king of Persians
DARRI – name for the sacred Emperor of Japan
HARVEST – means for or by the Ari
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The real name of Jehovah is JEAL, Je meaning Lord, EL meaning god
Jehovah told Moses that he had a somewhat different name from the god of Abraham for he was notknown to Abraham by the name Jehovah. (p. 19)
Jehovah was a Man
That Jehovah was a man, that Moses and Israel thought of him as a man, is evidenced in many places.
Jehovah agreed to show his feet, his hands, his back, in fact, his whole person except his face. (p. 19)
Many instances prove that god ate and drank. (p. 19)
“I come to thee in a thick cloud that the people may hear when I speak to thee”
“Ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests.”
“Take heed, go not up to the mount (Sinai), whosoever toucheth the mount shall surely be put to
Moses and Aaron were the Aries, the number two men. (p. 19)
VICAR – means vice-ari
ORACLES – the means by which the gods communicated via mind-controlled virgins.
Rome was virtually founded after the fall of Troy and many gods may have migrated there. There was a
dark age about 1000 B.C., just like the one after Charlemagne.
In Caves
“No craft they knew, with woven brick and jointed beam to pile the sunward porch; but in the
dark earth burrowed and housed like sunless ants in sunless caves.” (Aeschylus)
SECRECY – from the word root Sac
Manipulating the Religions
No matter the clan, no matter the religion, the god could superimpose himself and use their beliefs to hisadvantage. The god who came from “The land of the Lead,” the unknown land of happiness, or from“Avalon” the isle of Fairyland, dwelt on high hill until rich enough to go home.
The Virgin Oracles
The ancients were so steeped in their ideology about the gods when a hypnotized virgin chanted in ill-
constructed hexameter Greek, they accepted the words for final authority from god and shaped their
conduct in things of major importance accordingly. By this important method of chicanery the Oracle
ruled for a thousand years. (p. 26)
Many rulers at the Oracles were told to build cities.
There were about 260 oracles in Greece, but only a few were prominent.
NEITH= ATHENA, the same if the last ‘A’ is removed.
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City of Elath
At the head of the Red Sea on the Gulf of Alaba was an ancient city of Elath (the EL). Elath was veryclose to Mount Sinai, Mount Seir, Mount Hor, and Mount Paran, all on the left. Below Elath on the rightwas Edom and Teman and Yemen, the home of the wise men of Edom, the Dukes of Edom, and the
highly educated Sheba who visited Solomon. From Elath is a dry river bed that leads to the Dead Seaand the Holy Land. (p. 31)
There seemed to be an understanding that the Mediterranean was the sea for one race of ELs and theRed Sea for the other. (p. 31)
Largest Ships
It is a matter of recorded history that in Caesar’s time the ships of the Atlantic were larger than those ofthe Mediterranean. And in the days of Solomon, about 1,000 B.C., the ships of Tarshish were considered
as large as ocean going vessels. (p. 41)
You shall understand that about 3000 years ago, or somewhat more, the navigation of the world
(especially for remote voyages) was greater than at this day. (Francis Bacon)
Hiram of Tyre
Solomon launched his fleets from Elath, this built by Hiram. They sailed together to sack and loot,
bringing back fortunes. Such were not voyages of discovery but of commerce. (See p. 31)
Book of Job
Placed in Arabia, the tale is one of a believer in the Solar Cult being contested by Satan, the representative
of the Serpent Cult. (See p. 33.)
Servants of the Els, later of the Temple of Solomon. (p. 33)
When the Israelites did not correctly server their masters, they were sold to other masters. Such is the
testimony of the Old Testament.
In II Chronicles Jehovah states,
“You have forsaken me, I will in turn forsake you, and deliver you into the hands of Shishack.”
Kings Wishing to be Gods
A king could only become so great, if he attempted to go further he was checkmated. Win, lose or draw,
the Temple always won…the gold was always in the Temple. Should a king desire to break the shroudof their mysteries and desire to become one of them he was generally cut off. Only the initiated could bea god, such as Enoch (whose name means initiated)…(p. 35-6)
Alexander the Great
Alexander’s fault lay in the fact that he thought himself a god and undertook to exercise that divine p